Upcoming Scenario Events
Tides of Blood & Gold
The Beaches of Normandy
Tides of Blood & Gold Scenario Event
About | Boot Camp | Registration | Pricing | Prizes | Schedule | Additional Info

Tides of Blood & Gold
April 4th, 5th and 6th 2025
The Hurricane that ravaged the Golden Straight last year has left the ocean and it’s island towns defenseless against the only thing more common than saltwater – pirates.
With the Navy too devastated from the storm to fight back against the pirates, it’s a free for all on the open water.
Two bands, the Blood Raiders and the Shadow Crew, led by their savvy and ruthless Captains rip across the ocean pillaging and plundering. As greed is the creed of pirates, these two crews lock blades and splinter hulls over territory all in the name of wealth and power.
The waters teem with blood and gold.
Which crew will outlast the other?
Which flag will you fly?
Hoist the colors.
Report to Boot Camp #2 on March 22nd
If you missed the Summer Scenario, you may need to shake off some rust. Our Scenario Boot Camps are the perfect time to get back into Scenario Paintball Mode. As any seasoned Paintball Player knows, there’s a huge difference between Open Play and Scenario Play. Practice Makes Perfect. Boot Camps run from 12pm to 5pm.
This is also a great time for new Scenario Players to learn about what they can expect during the Big Weekend this Summer.
It’s also a great excuse just to play some paintball. As always, entry is FREE when you bring your own marker.

Pre-Registration Now Available!
Click the booking links below to register for your chosen team:
Scenario Event Entry Pricing
Scenario Event Pricing
Rental Equipment
Sentry Rental
Sniper Upgrade
Rambo Upgrade
Chuck Norris Upgrade
Camouflage Jumpsuit
Body Armor
Knee Pads
Jumpsuit/Body Armor Combo
All equipment rentals are available on the day of the event on a first come-first serve basis
Scenario Event Prizes
Scenario Event Schedule
- 11:00am – Gate opens for campers
- Noon – Registration, paint sales, air fills and chronograph stations open
- Noon to 6:30 – Pick-up games/Open Play
- 3:00pm to 6:00pm – Obstacle Course
- 5:00pm – Commanders briefing
- 7:00am – Registration, paint sales, air fills and chronograph stations open
- 8:30am – Game Briefing
- 8:45am – Commanders morning meeting
- 9:00am to 12:00pm – Game On
- 12:00pm to 1:30pm – Lunch Break (Hot food available)
- 1:15pm – Commanders afternoon meeting
- 1:30pm to 4:30pm – Game On
- 7:30am – Registration, paint sales, air fills and chronograph stations open
- 8:30am – Game Briefing
- 9:00am to 12:00pm – Game On
- 12:00pm to 1:30pm – Lunch Break (Hot food available)
- 1:30pm to 1:45pm – Final Battle Briefing
- 1:45pm to 2:00pm – Commanders afternoon meeting
- 2:00pm to 2:30pm – Final Battle
- 2:45pm to 3:30pm – Final Battle Awards ceremony immediately following Final Battle (Pick-up games will be held after event)